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Abstracts: Evaluation of Variances in Oil Viscosity from the Midway Sunset Field


Quantifying the vertical and areal variances within oil bearing reservoirs has been a neglected science. Previously, measuring the viscosity of oil from rock was difficult and expensive. New technology is available which allows accurate measurements on very small quantities of oil. It is now possible to measure viscosity from a small portion of a sidewall core.

Produced oil samples along with sidewall cores were analyzed for various leases in the Midway Sunset Field. Relations to height above water table and overall oil column height provide insight to production. The impact of viscosity trends in horizontal wells can be substantial. Enrichment of oil from steam may be of importance in desaturated intervals. Understanding viscosity variances of different formations and fields should prove valuable to the most efficient exploitation of remaining reserves.

Search and Discovery Article #90945©1997 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Bakersfield, California