Abstracts: Reservoir Characterization Using Advanced 3-D Computer Modeling Technology: A Case Study of the Fault Block II in Wilmington Field, California
Advanced 3-D computer modeling tools are used in a DOE cost-share project to characterize the Tar zone in Fault Block II, Wilmington oil field. Over 1000 wells were used to define 19 horizons in the Tar zone, Fault Block II and adjacent area. The SP, GR and resistivity logs were used to separate individual sand and shale layers. The correlated data, after systematic correction for subsidence and coordinate transformation, were used to build a 3-D deterministic structural model. Data problems were fixed during model building. Some new structural features were also identified in this way.
The 3 D model is a powerful tool for visualizing geological structures, stratigraphy, well distribution, and reservoir boundaries. The model has been helpful in basin analysis. A paleochannel and several sand lobes have been identified in the deep water turbidite deposits. During fault sealing analysis, it was found that hydrocarbon fluids leak through the paleochannel to other fault blocks. The model is very helpful for new well placement Four horizontal wells have been successfully drilled with the help of the model. The model also supplies basic geologic and production data for ongoing reservoir simulation. Reservoir properties, detailed sedimentary sequences, and lithology will be included in the model. The Tar zone model will be manipulated and demonstrated for the electronic poster session.
Search and Discovery Article #90945©1997 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Bakersfield, California