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Abstract: Study of Different Logging Methods arid Selection of the Most Suitable Ones for the Conditions of Chiren Underground Gas Storage


The depleted gas-condensate field of Chiren was used as a base for the Chiren underground gas storage.

The Chiren anticline had been formed at the end of the Triassic period, during the Kimmeridgian folding phase. The collectors are represented by carbonate and terrigenous formations, characterized by a well developed set of vertical and horizontal cracks.

During the performed geologic-geophysical studies in the stage of exploitation of the gas-condensate field of Chiren (the beginning of the sixties), of creation of the Chiren gas storage and for the last near 20 years cyclic exploitation, was applied a very limited range of geophysical methods for the differentiation of crack-type collectors in the Middle-Triassic and the Lower Jurassic carbonate sections.

For this reason and because of the possibility of extending the Chiren gas storage, the problems of separating the water-saturated layers, of studying the changes in the water-gas contact and of studying the saturation of the beyond-wellpipe space, are of primer importance.

A suitable complex of electric, acoustic and radiometric logging methods should be applied for solving these problems. We have analyzed methods and approaches proposed by different scientists and exploration companies. The next stage of our work will be the choice of the most suitable complex of borehole geophysical methods and its adaptation to the conditions of the Chiren gas storage.  

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90940©1997 AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid