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Abstract: Seismic Data in the Southern Maturin Sub-Basin in Eastern Venezuela Reveals the Structure and Strata I Patterns of the Lower Miocene Sediments

R. E. Martinez

The seismic expressions suggests a sedimentary wedge varying in thickness from 0 to 800 ft overlying Cretaceous rocks. This lower Miocene sedimentary wedge is related to the widespread transgression that preceded the collision between the Caribbean and South American plates. This wedge appears to be of Oligocene age, by correlation, in the Northern part of the study area.

The top of this sedimentary wedge is defined by a probably Middle Miocene unconformity, which would correpond to the so-called "Foredeep unconformity". This unconformity is overlain by deepwater sediments of the Carapita Formation in the North and by basal sands of the Oficina Formation in the South. They are known in the study area as the "Arenas 1". This unconformity permits to trace the geological evolution of the area and better understand the oil system.

Important stratigraphic traps could be assosiated with this wedge, either by lateral onlap or by truncation. The transgressive shale of the Oficina Formation constitutes the regional seal.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90951©1996 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Caracas, Venezuela