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Abstract: Palaeomagnetism and Basin Analysis of the Serrania del Interior

Serena Jones, Peter Turner, Jonathan Turner

The Serrania del Interior of Eastern Venezuela is a dextrally transpressive fold thrust belt that has experienced transtension during the last 12-15 Ma. The complex structure and lack of biostratigraphical control have made correlation and understanding of the tectonic regime difficult.

Palaeomagnetic techniques are valuable in stratigraphic and structural analysis for two main reasons: (1) magnetostratigraphy, in which chron sequences of normal and reversed polarity may be used to date and correlate sections; and (2) analysis of structural rotations by comparison of directional data with that from stable reference blocks.

This is the first comprehensive palaeomagnetic study of the Palaeogene to Mid Neogene in the Serrania del Interior. Magnetostratigraphies of type sections have been produced and constrained by biostratigraphy. They are a high resolution stratigraphic framework to be used for correlation as well as assessment of sedimentation rates. Quantitative analysis of the palaeomagnetic results, when compared with reference poles for the stable shield of South America, indicate both vertical axis rotation as well as latitudinal movement. Relevance of kinematic models outlining the possible mechanisms occurring in oblique-slip settings are assessed.

The use of palaeomagnetic techniques has enabled a more in-depth understanding of the stratigraphy as well as the structure of the Serrania del Interior.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90951©1996 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Caracas, Venezuela