Abstract: Evidence of Thermogenic Hydrocarbon in the Central Savannah River Area, South Carolina and Georgia
David M. Richers, Douglas E. Wyatt
Soil gas data collected from 1993 through 1996 from the area in and around the U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River Site, located in the Central Savannah River Area of South Carolina and Georgia, suggests a regional potential for thermogenic hydrocarbons. Toluene and light saturated soil gas data suggest that an organic source is present either in the Triassic basins of the region, or possibly from other pre-Cretaceous sediments.
High values in soil gas samples were found along the surface expressions of regional faults. These faults are felt to be steeply dipping features that become listric with depth and are basement involved. Therefore these faults are in contact with all subsequent sediments and it is postulated that they are serving as conduits for the upward migration of hydrocarbons from deeply buried material from the Riddlesville and Dunbarton Basins or possibly from other Triassic terrain coastward. The presence of isolated regional soil gas anomalies may suggest deeper sources and outcrop samples of Tertiary limestone also support this possibility.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90950©1996 AAPG GCAGS 46th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas