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Abstract: Major Transgressive Shales of the Wilcox, Northern Portion of South Texas

Richard N. Hargis

Ten major transgressive shales have been identified and named that bound and occur within the Wilcox depositional cycle in the northern portion of the South Texas Wilcox area. These shales contain maximum flooding surfaces associated with marine transgressions that define the top and base of the Wilcox cycle of deposition and subdivide this major cycle into lesser cycles or sequences. The ten shales are regionally or semi-regionally extensive on the shelf and growth faulted shelf margin and extend farther inland in relation to other shales.

The ten shales in ascending order are: Poth shale (Midway), Dull shale, Tilden shale (Big Shale), Webb shale, Yoakum shale, Clayton shale, Kenedy shale, Runge shale, Hobson shale and "Reklaw 1" condensed section. The base of the Wilcox depositional cycle is defined by the Poth shale and the top by the "Reklaw 1" condensed section. In 1985 and 1986, Hargis proposed a stratigraphic classification of the Wilcox of South

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90950©1996 AAPG GCAGS 46th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas