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Abstract: 222Rn Levels in Kingsville, Texas, and Vicinity, Near an In-Situ Uranium Mine

Thomas McGehee, Rochelle Martino, Thomas Harr, Anthony Samudio

An investigation of the 222Rn levels in groundwater, soils, and indoor air has disclosed two 222Rn anomalies in groundwaters drawn from uranium-enriched sands in the Evangeline aquifer in the Kingsville area. Results are based on analyses of 264 water samples, 56 soil samples, and 112 indoor air samples. Private water wells near an in-situ mined ore body yielded 1023 to 11,453 pCi/l at the well head and in-house water tap. Water wells north of the ore body near Naval Air Station Kingsville yielded 442 to 1950 pCi/l at the well head and homeowners water tap. Soil concentrations were measured from undetectable to 75.4 pCi/l. Indoor air levels were measured in summer 1991 (from undetectable to 3.2 pCi/l) and winter (January) 1992 to measure seasonal extremes. High < UP>222Rn levels in groundwater were reduced to background levels in household waters if the homeowner used a preintroduction, large-capacity holding tank.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90983©1994 GCAGS and Gulf Coast SEPM 44th Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, October 6-7, 1994