VELD, H., University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; W. J. J. FERMONT and L. F. JEGERS, Geological Survey of the Netherlands, Heerlen, Netherlands; and J. H. F. KERP, Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat, Munster, Germany
ABSTRACT: Geothermal History of the Carboniferous in South Limburg, Netherlands
This study presents a database of maturity measurements and a reconstruction of coalification patterns and trends in the Carboniferous rocks of south Limburg, Netherlands. Coalification maps of the Carboniferous abrasion surface and one selected stratigraphic level (i.e., the coal seam G.B. 23 [Furth, Westphalian A]) are given together with rank profiles. For selected wells, vertical coalification trends are presented. Coalification data are primarily based on vitrinite reflectance measurements. In addition, volatile matter values have been evaluated. Burial history diagrams are given for selected wells.
The data suggest a complex coalification history of the area, determined by regional variations in overburden, heat flow, and timing of thermal events in front of the Variscan orogeny. The results indicate that the present-day coalification was established in the late Westphalian to early Permian. The coalification of the southern part of the area has mainly been attributed to variations in overburden. In the north, an additional heat flow, presumably connected with Permian intrusions, overprinted the earlier maturation pattern. Both phases of coalification are separated by a local compressional event that caused the north-south-trending Vise-Puth anticline. Finally, an intermittent block fault system modified the older geologic structures of the south Limburg area. The maturity of th Upper Carboniferous Coal Measures of south Limburg range from early mature to overmature. Results are compared with data from adjacent areas in Belgium and Germany.
AAPG Search and
Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The
Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.