SHUSTER, MARK W., KSEPL (Shell Research), Rijswijk, Netherlands; and TOM AIGNER, Institut fur Geologie und Paleontologie, Universitat Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany
ABSTRACT: 2-D Synthetic Seismic and Log Cross Sections from Stratigraphic Forward Models
In an effort to fully utilize deterministic stratigraphic forward modeling techniques in subsurface stratigraphic analysis, Shell has developed a computer interface to routinely create synthetic logs and one-dimensional and two-dimensional (2-D) seismic responses from 2-D stratigraphic simulations. Each 2-D stratigraphic model can contain up to 200 timelines defining age equivalent stratigraphic layers with laterally variable lithofacies and depths. Synthetic gamma-ray, density, and velocity responses are calculated for the simulated lithofacies using user-specified rock and fluid properties. Vertically incident synthetic seismograms are created using calculated reflection coefficients and user-defined input wavelets. Because the chronostratigraphy is known a priori, log correlations nd the interpolated seismic geometries follow timelines exactly. The power of this technique as an aid in sequence stratigraphic interpretations is shown from three case studies: (1) a simulation of an idealized clastic system assuming constant clastic input and sinusoidal fourth- and third-order sea level variations, (2) simulations of the Permian mixed clastic-carbonate infill of the Midland basin, and (3) a detailed simulation of one third-order carbonate depositional sequence (lower-middle San Andres Formation) from the Northwest Shelf, Permian basin. Some general conclusions form these case studies include the following: (a) seismic and well log-defined topsets, foresets, bottomsets, and related event terminations can be unequivocally related to relative sea level fluctuations; (b) xxon-type sequence boundaries are not necessarily seismically imageable and their identification on well logs is not straight forward; and (c) buildups and lateral variations in amplitude related to lithofacies variations can be modeled. Synthetic logs and seismic sections from stratigraphic forward models may be useful in constraining interpretations of subsurface data and in stratigraphic prediction.
AAPG Search and
Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The
Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.