ROUX, JEROME, Elf Petroland B.V., Hague, Netherlands
ABSTRACT: Intensive Exploration on Block K6
Exploration on block K6 started with two minor discoveries in 1969 and 1972, both located on culminating structural Rotliegende targets. After 14 yr of low activity, drilling activity resumed in 1986 and is continuing, after another six positive wells.
This long absence (14 yr) of drilling activities was due to two main reasons: (1) risk of drilling compartments lodged deeper than the first discoveries and in a highly faulted structural context and (2) risk of thinning and disappearance of lower Slochteren sandstones because the area of the K6 block corresponds to the inferred northern limit of the Rotliegende play.
Three-dimensional (3-D) seismic technology, coupled with structural and sedimentological studies, has allowed the restart of exploration activity and hence the optimization of this block.
One of the key points of exploration in this favorable gas environment is the access to the most precise knowledge of the structure's geometry. Communications between different compartments and possible spill points have been prognosed successfully thanks to the excellent 3-D seismic data quality.
A lower Slochteren sand distribution model has been constructed from integrated studies, based principally on well sequential analysis, allowing for a quantitative and qualitative approach of the reservoirs.
Combined use of these tools permits the best possible evaluation of gas fields and prospects and the optimization of well location in exploration, appreciation, or development (with successful horizontal wells).
The exploration activity on the K6 block needs to continuously integrate these innovation techniques to stay fruitful in its more mature phase of exploration.
AAPG Search and
Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The
Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.