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RICHERT, JEAN-PAUL, Elf Aquitaine Production, Pau, France; and B. COLETTA, Institut Francais du Petrole, Rueil Malmaison, France

ABSTRACT: Combined Modeling Approaches as an Aid to Structural Interpretation

Many exploration failures can be attributed to a misunderstanding of poorly expressed seismic data. To aid tectonic and structural interpretation, a combined modeling approach has been attempted in a joint research program between Elf Aquitaine Production, TOTAL, AGIP, and Institut Francais du Petrole. This approach involves analog and numerical modeling constrained by field geology models and examples.

Well-studied field geology examples provide defined three-dimensional (3-D) geometries and provide clues about the mechanical history of deformation. However, the field models give a static image of the finite strain, and the different stages of deformation remain conjectural.

Analog physical modeling using sand, glass powder, and silicone putty elucidates the kinematics and, to some extent, the mechanism of deformation. However, the oversimplified rheology of modeling materials implies analogy limitations and precludes perfect simulation of all natural examples.

Numerical modeling, based on finite or distinct elements methods, permits quantification of stress and strain at each step of the deformation. It also offers a larger range of rheological parameters; however, those parameters are difficult to precisely equate to slow deformation on a geological time scale.

Thus, each technique has its respective advantages and limitations, but the combination of the three approaches can help to define 3-D geometries and kinematics, and to evaluate the mechanism

of deformation, which can be applied to the structural interpretation of seismic data.

Such an interdisciplinary approach has been tested for various tectonic regimes, and examples will be given to illustrate this method of investigation.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.