JOBIDON, G., Soquip, Rabat, Morocco, and M. DAKKI, Onarep, Rabat, Morocco
ABSTRACT: The External Rif of Morocco and its Hydrocarbon Potential
The Rif domain is a structurally complex area consisting of nappes and thrust sheets caused by the collision of the Eurasian and African plates during the Tertiary period. The structural complexity decreases southwardly. Autochthonous members are found only along the southern and southwestern periphery, while the northern units are autochthonous (internal Rif and mesorif). Recently acquired geophysical and geochemical data provide an improved understanding of the area and put the hydrocarbon potential of the prerif (southern Rif) and the Rharb basin (southern foreland basin) in a new exploration perspective.
The Rharb basin has a Cretaceous-to-Tertiary sedimentary evolution, with its maximum subsidence occurring during the Tortonian-to-Messinian with the emplacement of a thick olistrostrome (prerif nappe). Biogenic gas is found in the neritic postnappe Tortonian sediments, while a prenappe Cretaceous play now appears as a strong hydrocarbon potential.
The Prerif Rides, which are separated from the Gharb basin by the northeast-southwest Sidi-Fili fault trend, are the structural consequence of salt tectonics within the Alpine compression system. Oil production occurred in thrusted Jurassic carbonates and fractured metamorphic Paleozoic rocks. The hydrocarbon potential of newly defined prospects in this area are still untapped.
AAPG Search and
Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The
Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.