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COHEN, JONATHAN, and SIMON SMITH, KSEPL/Shell Research, Rijswijk, Netherlands, RICHARD HUIS IN 'T VELD, JAAP COPPER*, and STEVE WHYTE, Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij, Hoogezand, Netherlands

ABSTRACT: Norg Underground Gas Storage: an Integrated 3-D Geological and Geophysical Reservoir Modeling Study

The Netherlands have an extensive gas distribution infrastructure supplying 80 x 10{9} cu m per annum to the domestic and European market. The capacity requirement exceeds 600 x 10{6} scu m/d, of which 430 x 10{6} scu m/d is provided by the giant Groningen gas field. The Groningen field will soon reach a pressure at which this capacity can no longer be met without considerable investments. It will also become difficult to maintain the market gas quality, because of the increasing supply from small fields with widely varying gas qualities.

Underground Gas Storage (UGS) will satisfy both capacity and gas-quality requirements. This UGS must eventually store 4.5 x 10{9} cu m with injection/production capacities of 36/80-100 x 10{6} scu m/d, making it one of the largest UGS projects in the world. These extremely high-capacity requirements demand both high-matrix permeability and a good understanding of vertical and lateral reservoir continuity. Matrix permeability is predictable due to the close relationship with the lithofacies defined within the primary Rotliegende depositional model.

Minor faults, identified on three-dimensional (3-D) seismic attribute maps, represent potential transmissibility impairment zones, compartmentalizing the reservoir. This was initially suggested by core fracture studies and confirmed by a subsequent field shut-in and pressure buildup test.

Lithofacies and seismic structural data are integrated within a computerized reservoir geological modeling system known as "Monarch" to provide a highly detailed 3-D permeability model that is then tranformed into a model for dynamic reservoir simulation.

The results confirm the required working volume for the UGS operation and provide a basis for the initial field development planning.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.