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CAMPBELL, EWAN, IGG-TNO, Delft, Netherlands

ABSTRACT: Seismic Modeling of Fluvial Reservoirs in Outcrop

Three-dimensional (3-D) seismics and concomitant improvements in processing techniques have increased the amount of reservoir-scale information that can be obtained from the seismic waveform reaching the surface. However, the geological significance of these seismic events remains unclear. The seismic modeling of reservoir formations in outcrops allows analogs to be drawn to the seismic response of reservoirs at depth. Previous outcrop modeling studies are mostly high-frequency approximations, suitable for large-scale geometrical imaging but unsuitable for imaging lateral variations in lithology and geometry of bodies that lie on or below the "visual" resolution of the seismic tool.

This study examines finite-difference seismic modeling of Tertiary, fluvial-sandstone bodies in outcrop from central Spain. The outcrops were well known from reservoir characterization studies, easily accessible, and well exposed. Outcrop geometry was converted into a finite-difference grid, with density and velocity values coming from measurements of cores and blocks from each of the lithologies. Synthetic traces were generated. The traces were then processed in the conventional manner. Full solution of the wave equation allows all wave types to be modeled, e.g., diffractions and multiples. Models were generated to simulate reservoir conditions at the surface and at depth. Seismic waveforms

could then be related back to reservoir characteristics.

Seismic modeling of reservoir sands in outcrop can aid in the interpretation of such bodies at depth. Seismic modeling of reservoirs is a low-cost interpretation tool that may aid field development by deliniation of reservoirs in areas of complex sedimentology where surface analogs exist.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.