ACKERMAN, W. C., and D. C. BOATWRIGHT, Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, OK, R. BURWOOD, B. MYCKE, and D. VAN LERBERCHE, Petrofina S.A., Brussels, Belgium, and E. BONDJO, S. TAMFU, and D. OVONO, Societe Nationale des' Hydrocarbures, Yaounde, Cameroon
ABSTRACT: Geochemical Analysis of Selected Hydrocarbon Samples in the Douala Basin, Cameroon: Implications for an Oil-Prone Source Rock
Several oil seeps from the onshore Douala basin in southwest Cameroon have been analyzed by GC/MS, PY/GC, and PY/GC/MS to determine the nature and quality of their source rocks. Geochemical data indicate oil-prone source rocks exist in the Upper Cretaceous to middle Tertiary passive margin sedimentary section. Paleoenvironmental indicators suggest these source rocks were deposited in paralic/deltaic to hypersaline marine settings.
In conjunction with existing geological data, two geochemical models are proposed. (1) The oils were derived from a kerogen facies, which grades from a hypersaline marine environment in the Albian to a marine facies in the Cenomanian Maastrichtian. (2) The oils were derived from a hypersaline marine facies in the Albian and a second marine facies deposited during the Oligocene.
Although previous work by other authors has shown the Upper Cretaceous/lower Tertiary source rocks from wells in the Logbaba gas field to be gas prone (type III), data from the present study provide evidence that at least one mature oil-prone source rock exists within this interval elsewhere in the basin.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90990©1993 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, Netherlands, October 17-20, 1993.