[First Hit]

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WYATT, KAY DAUTENHAHN, SUSAN K. TOWE, J. E. LAYTON, S. B. WYATT, D. H. VON SEGGERN, and C. A. BROCKMEIER, Phillips Petroluem Company, Bartlesville, OK

ABSTRACT: Ergonomics in Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Depth Migration

Clearly, the most difficult part of any Previous Hit3-DNext Hit depth migration is the construction of the required Previous Hit3-DNext Hit depth model. In an effort to simplify the model building process, we have utilized advanced visualization techniques and simple user interfaces. The user may view well data, seismic data, and the geological model in true Previous Hit3-DNext Hit representation and manipulate it in real time (i.e., rotate, translate, light, etc.). Simple user interfaces are provided such as "paint" style user interface which allows the user to draw complex geological shapes on the seismic section, thus eliminating the traditional "horizon" approach. The painted shapes are then automatically assembled into Previous Hit3-DNext Hit objects. The user can also "reach inside" the display and reshape the Previous Hit3-DNext Hit objects which make up the geological model, much as a child shapes modeling clay. The utilization of such techniques provides for greater success in ensuring that Previous Hit3-DTop depth migrations are performed quickly and accurately.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90987©1993 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25-28, 1993.