--> Abstract: Petroleum Potentialities of Central Tunisia as Deduced from Identification and Characterization of Oil Source Rocks, by M. Saidi, M. H. Acheche, H. Inoubli, and H. Belayouni; #91007 (1991)

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Petroleum Potentialities of Central Tunisia as Deduced from Identification and Characterization of Oil Source Rocks

SAIDI, M., M. H. ACHECHE, H. INOUBLI, ETAP, Tunis, Tunisia, and H. BELAYOUNI, Faculte des Sciences de Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia

Many potential oil source rocks occur within the Tunisian stratigraphic column, including Silurian-Devonian shales, Albian and upper Albian-Vraconian carbonates, Cenomanian-Turonian black shales and lower Eocene carbonates.

Our focuses on the inventory of potential oil source rocks in central Tunisia ranging from middle Jurassic to Turonian.

The emphasis is on determining their genetic potential and whether they could have generated oil and gas.

Geochemical data obtained from the analysis of at least 2147 samples show this region to be of significant interest as a petroleum prospective area. The main source rocks identified are Toarcian shales, upper Albian-Vraconian carbonates and Cenomanian-Turonian black shales. They contain predominantly type II organic matter (oil and gas prone) and are at the low maturity limit of the oil window.

The occurrence of those source rocks close to numerous potential reservoir facies supports the conclusion that central Tunisia is a very interesting area for petroleum exploration.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91007© 1991 AAPG International Conference, London, England, September 29-October 2, 1991 (2009)