ABSTRACT: Forging New Relationships with Private Industry
Roger Lee Bon
The Industry Outreach Program objectives are: (1) to develop a working relationship with the mining, petroleum, and mineral processing industries and to assist them within the scope of UGMS objectives and means; (2) to promote mineral exploration activities within the state through the dissemination of useful accurate information in a timely manner, and to foster the prudent development of Utah's mineral resource base; and (3) to collect and disseminate mineral production data and to act as a source for mineral production information.
Current plans are to meet with mineral industry personnel in the forging of a working relationship with active mine operators and producers, as well as those companies and individuals who are actively exploring for new resources. Part of this involves establishing a presence within the local mining community through visits to corporate offices, mine visitations, and participation in industry-wide professional meetings and seminars. Essential to this goal is the free exchange of ideas and technical knowledge.
To promote the exploration for new mineral resources, the UGMS acts as a data source through its extensive geologic files and through ongoing mineral investigations. These studies are oriented toward identifying new target areas and research and documentation of known mineral localities.
Last, but equally important, is the collection and timely dissemination of mineral production and processing data, and review of development activities. This involves the publishing of an annual mineral production review and reference map showing the location of active mines, quarries, processing facilities, and proposed developments.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91002©1990 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Denver, Colorado, September 16-19, 1990