Depositional Model, Dolomitization, and Porosity of Henryhouse Formation (Silurian), Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
Geoffrey B. Beardall
The Upper Silurian Henryhouse Formation, which is part of the Hunton Group, is a major hydrocarbon reservoir in the Anadarko basin. Three basic lithofacies are present in the Henryhouse, based on sedimentary structures, lithology, fossil content, and fabric relationships. These facies, represented in general by massive lime mudstone with diverse fauna, burrowed dolowackestone/packstone with mainly crinoids, and massive to laminated dolomudstone with fenestral fabrics and sparse fauna, are inferred to represent subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal environments, respectively. These facies comprise a vertical sequence that represents regressive deposition. The Henryhouse consists of several of these sequences.
The Henryhouse commonly is partly or completely dolomitized in western Oklahoma. Three stages of dolomitization were documented: (1) penecontemporaneous hypersaline dolomite occurring as brownish, hypidiotopic rhombs concentrated in the supratidal and intertidal facies, (2) mixed marine and freshwater dolomite occurring as white rims around preexisting hypersaline dolomite, and as subhedral, white rhombs in vugs and molds, and (3) deep-burial vug, mold, and fracture-filling saddle dolomite.
Production in the Henryhouse is generally from porous zones in dolomite. However, lithofacies reflecting depositional environments in which they were formed are equally important in porosity development.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91039©1987 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma, September 27-29, 1987.