Large-Scale 3-D Seismic Surveys in Gulf of Mexico--Economic Approach to Exploration
Robert J. Graebner
Three-dimensional seismic surveys, designed to meet exploration requirements, were conducted in 465 OCS blocks in the Gulf of Mexico, primarily in the deep-water Flexure trend. The geology is very complex, with both salt-induced structures and structures similar to the Rocky Mountain Overthrust belt. To avoid the prohibitive costs in collecting 3-D seismic data at a spatial sampling rate required to image the wide range of dips, interpolation methods, based on pattern recognition techniques, were used with a relatively sparsely sampled data collection grid. Within limits, the method is capable of interpolating both crossing and aliased seismic events. The economic impact of this approach is significant because it essentially reduces the cost of 3-D acquisition to the leve normally associated with detailed 2-D surveying. However, the familiar benefits of 3-D migration are retained. Using interactive interpretation systems, the results are presented as a comprehensive series of time and event amplitude maps for structural and preliminary stratigraphic mapping. Regional amplitude maps illustrate a combination of structural, stratigraphic, and other geologic phenomena.
In addition to conventional structural mapping, the 3-D data may be used to assist in understanding the salt growth history, especially its effect on sedimentation and hydrocarbon potential. It may provide a significant link between regional geology work and the detailed analysis required to develop drillable prospects.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91038©1987 AAPG Annual Convention, Los Angeles, California, June 7-10, 1987.