Abstract: Earth Resources Observatory--A Concept
R. A. Hodgson
Through the EROS Program, and particularly through LANDSAT imagery, a vast amount of new information has been acquired concerning large-scale geologic structures and other earth features of potentially great scientific and economic significance. An initial obstacle to the detailed study of these features is that many of them extend beyond limits that can be usefully represented on a plane surface in any map projection and so cannot be viewed directly in their proper spatial context, which is essential if we are truly to explore and understand their complex interrelations.
The Earth Resources Observatory is a concept which offers a means of overcoming this formidable problem. In addition, it provides a focus for directing the attention of the American public to the significant aspects of our space programs. The observatory would be provided with support facilities for scientific and public viewing and instruction at all levels of interest as well as laboratories for advanced studies in the application of space data to the discovery, effective development, and efficient management of our earth's limited resources.
Such an observatory has the potential of becoming a national Earth Resources Research Tool and a center for public education in the common economic benefits derived from our advanced space and related technologies. It is both technically and economically feasible to build the observatory.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90967©1977 GCAGS and GC Section SEPM 27th Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas